Tag Archive: refined carbohydrates

The Connection Between Obesity And Emotional Eating

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As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. For a lot of us, that’s an unsettling prospect. After all, we eat different foods at different times depending on our moods. You’ve probably asked (or been asked) the question “what are you in the mood for” in relation to food and the question is an apt one; our emotional states and our diets are deeply connected. There are two different ways to look at emotional eating: you may either choose to eat a particular food because you’re in the mood for it or you might choose to eat something, especially compulsively, because your moods trigger negative patterns of thinking where food becomes your coping mechanism when you’re experiencing emotional distress. Which of these two types of emotional eating describes you?

How to Avoid Becoming a Sugar Addict

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Everyone knows it: candy and baked goods are packed with sugar. They’re not good for our teeth and when they’re eaten regularly, they can lead to rapid weight gain and a variety of health problems related to obesity. Although we all know that sugar and especially refined sugar isn’t good for us, what a lot of us don’t know is that sugar can be addictive, in a manner of speaking. What a lot of people are also unaware of is that like sugar, other refined carbohydrates can be just as bad for you and are often similarly addictive. Worse still, it’s difficult to get away from refined carbohydrates unless you’re very conscious about your diet. Here’s more and a resource to help…