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How to Stop the Urge to Eat When You’re Not Hungry

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Eating when you’re not hungry is typically about emotional eating, which is a common issue for people who are overweight. I’m going to describe a short technique for you today that I cover as part of my virtual gastric band procedure in my practice, and which will help you overcome the urge to eat when you don’t need to.

How the Human Body Stores Fat and Why Not All Fat is Bad

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As soon as we think fat we have visions of weighing too much and not looking as good as we wish. What we often don’t think about is how our bodies store fat and why. Fat does have a purpose and it’s a good one. But when a person has too much fat on the body it can become a problem and eventual leads to obesity and major health problems. A simple explanation is fat is stored when our caloric intake on a routine basis exceeds our expenditure of calories. However, fat storing is a little more complicated in the real world as certain foods turn to sugar and fat more easily than others.

Why Most Weight Loss Programs Fail

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Most weight loss programs fail because they over promise and don’t tackle all the elements for weight loss to be permanent. Weight loss plans can take different forms. Some are just diets while others are a combination of dieting and physical activity. Weight loss plans that promise you’ll lose 15 to 20 pounds in two weeks (or worse, in one week!) are unrealistic. While some plans can produce amazing results at end of first week of plan this is what I call the “gung-ho” effect and caused by being enthusiastic and totally compliant with the demands of the program. Then week two and three comes and life begins to get in the way and your resolve is tested and maybe you’re not quite so compliant.