Is Sugar Addiction Spoiling You Getting to Your Right Size?

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While the Virtual Gastric Band program focuses on portion control and doesn’t advocate a specific diet plan, I’m sure nobody would argue against when you eat you should eat healthy foods.

After all, you could eat 3 meals a day of sugar right? But instinctively this wouldn’t be good for you. When I talk about this to my clients they laugh because they think I’m talking about a meal of chocolate followed by a dessert.

They would never consider having such a “meal!”

Of course this is true. But what most don’t realize is many of the ingredients we prepare our meals from are loaded up with sugar. Most packages and boxes on supermarket shelves are dripping with sugar – the carbohydrate kind.

Basically, if your diet includes potatoes, pasta, white rice, white bread, and corn then you’ve a lot of sugar in your diet, and this sugar addiction craving will spoil your chances of getting to your right size.

There are a number of books about the serious nature of sugar addiction, but if you want to actually take the action step of eliminating sugar and bad carbs from your diet, then it for most of us it takes more effort and motivation than just reading a book.

Because of this I’ve just introduced an accelerated sugar addiction treatment program and you can learn more about it here.

It’s important to remember portion control is essential to any weight loss program but it’s also worth paying attention to the foods in the portions you eat.

A combination of small portions, and foods such as vegetables and fruits and nuts, and plenty of protein such as eggs, meat and fish, will not only get you to the right size but feeling healthy and energized as well.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis

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