Do You Recognize These Types Challenged With Losing Weight?

Weight Loss Struggling Image

Why is it a lot of people fail in their efforts to lose weight? Why is it that so many fail to stick to their diet and then regain all of the weight they’d lost and some in a matter of a few weeks?

Some diets aren’t that well planned, but most of them work as long as you stick to them, so the problem is the dieter rather than the diet.

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years thinking about this and I’ve realized that there are 5 different types of people who have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off over the long term. These people genuinely want to lose weight and are, by and large, thoughtful, smart people.

As a professional hypnotist I do my level best to help them, but some of them just don’t seem to be able to lose weight. There are reasons for this as well as ways to get around the self-sabotaging behavior of each of these types as long as you’re dedicated to your goal of losing weight.

So don’t despair if you recognize yourself as being one of these 5 personality types – you can still achieve weight loss – but you’ll need to make significant changes.

The Loophole Finder:

These are people who are always on the lookout for ways to get around the rules of their diet. For instance, if their diet calls for eliminating pasta, they’ll substitute it with another refined carbohydrate like white rice. If their diet bans chocolate, then they’ll have a dessert without chocolate in it – the diet didn’t say anything about pistachio ice cream, so it must be OK, right?

Loophole finders need detailed, hard and fast rules about what to eat and what not to eat while on a diet. Vague rules like no sugar leave far too much wiggle room for these people and without explicit instructions, they’re likely to end up eating basically the same as they did before going on a diet.

The “Don’t Ask Me to Change” Type:

These people sincerely want to lose weight, but they aren’t willing to make any important changes in order to achieve this goal. It’s a form of self-sabotage which can be difficult to overcome, but when they’re confronted with the absurdity of trying to make a change in their lives without, well, making a change, they may begin to see things in a different light.

The Overanalyzer:

These people will always look for the flaws in a diet or weight loss program and instead of just getting started with something and working towards losing weight, they’ll spend hour after hour picking apart the program and arguing over the smallest details. What they’re doing is talking themselves out of following the diet or fitness program in question by convincing themselves that it doesn’t make sense.

Unfortunately, they’ll find a fatal flaw with any diet or weight loss program that comes their way until they get over the habit of sabotaging their weight loss efforts this way. These people need to come to accept the idea that what really matters is results and that without actually following a plan, even if they see flaws with it, they’re never going to see results themselves.

The Pessimist:

A pessimist is always looking for the downside and like overanalyzers, pessimists always seem to find a reason that a given program or diet isn’t going to work for them. The problem here is one of belief – namely, pessimists don’t believe in themselves.

There’s some hope for pessimists, however, since they’re usually perfectly willing to give diets and weight loss programs a shot; but if they don’t see significant results in a hurry, then they’re likely to be discouraged. With a little extra encouragement and someone pushing them to stick it out just a little longer, a pessimist can start seeing the results of their weight loss program and become just a little more of an optimist.

The Blame Gamer:

To be honest, there’s a little bit of this type in everyone who sabotages their own efforts to lose weight. These are people who want someone else to come in, change their lives and magically make them lose weight. They don’t want to take ownership of the process – but they’re more than happy to blame anyone and anything but themselves if they don’t succeed.

These people are especially likely to try hypnosis, since it’s something that they don’t have to be accountable for if it’s not successful. They’re hoping that a hypnotist can somehow make them free of whatever it is that’s caused them to gain weight in the first place, and if they don’t manage to lose weight, well, then it’s the hypnotist’s fault (because it’s always someone else’s fault).

If you see yourself as one of these types it doesn’t mean that you can’t lose weight. It just means that you have to be aware of the pitfalls that you may be setting up for yourself. Once you’re fully aware of what you’re up against, then you have a much better chance of losing excess weight and keeping it off for good.

If you need help in implementing a weight loss program and overcoming some of your self-sabotaging actions then you check out my weight loss hypnosis service.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis

2 Responses to Do You Recognize These Types Challenged With Losing Weight?
  1. Jill Wright
    May 14, 2012 | 3:46 pm

    What criteria do you use to decide on whether somebody is better going private or group? Which in your view is more successful? Is the Virtual Gastric Ban still seeing success or has it gone its course?



  2. erika slater
    May 14, 2012 | 6:40 pm

    Hi Jill,

    I make a recommendation to the person during the later stages of the phone interview. Each person is different and I ask questions aimed at getting what process will provide the help they need. Of course private sessions are more expensive because of the focus but they can also be more customized and can therefore tackle personal barriers you can’t get at in a group setting. I have not experienced a difference in success rates in private over group – but would say some people who have done private would not have fared as well in a group setting because of the one-on-one help they needed.

    The Virtual Gastric Band remains one of the most successful processes for weight loss, however, I incorporate elements of it in most of my weight loss programs these days. I have over the last year adapted and tailored it to help my own client-base.

    I hope this helps you Jill.

    Erika Slater CH.