Monthly Archives: January 2011

Change is Good – You Go First!

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Whenever I think about change I’m reminded of a Dilbert cartoon portraying the corporate environment – Change is good – you go first! We can chuckle because we instinctively know what its saying. Change is going to happen – it’s one of the few certain things in life – but we’d much rather it happens to somebody else first than us and leave us alone. Paradoxically, in the corporate world, the people who bring change to others are usually the worse to embrace change. People, generally, fight change, even when it’s good and necessary because it moves us out of our comfort zone.

Why Sticking to 3 Meals a Day Helps Your Weight Loss

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A key component of my Virtual Gastric Band and weight loss hypnosis programs is eating until you’re satisfied. This may seem obvious but unfortunately is not the norm. We’ve become use to restaurant-size portions, and these are far from “normal.” In an effort to provide value to customers, restaurants pile up our plates with food, and offer appetizers that would feed most villages in third-world countries. We repeat this with large portion sizes at home and eat until the plate is clear. And if you eat until you’re “full” then this can be too much as we may not receive the signal from the brain we’re “full” until we’re really “stuffed” and feel uncomfortable. 3 meals a day with no snacks is plenty for most of us each day.

How to Determine if the Virtual Gastric Band Can Work for You

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The Virtual Gastric Band weight loss procedure is helping people lose weight all over America and Europe and elsewhere. If you’ve tried other weight loss programs – even other weight loss hypnosis programs – then consider VGB as it’s really different in many respects. But it’s not a miracle cure and there is definitely a profile of an individual it’s most likely to work for the best. This profile includes those committed to make whatever changes required to achieving their weight loss goals.