If portion control is the cause of your weight woes then the Virtual Gastric Band or Lap Band Hypnosis procedure is a program you should consider for weight loss.
The size of the average portion of food we eat at a meal contributes to the obesity epidemic sweeping America. We’ve become accustomed to restaurant size portions when we go out and then we repeat it at home.
Our dinner plates tend to be larger than necessary and we also feel the need to fill the plate with generous portions of everything.
Here’s a personal story…
A number of years ago before smaller portions were fashionable, we bought a set of portion plates which were smaller in size and had divisions on the plate for vegetables and protein and other foods. The portion control plate was aimed at the typical requirements at meal time of an average size person.
This was an eye-opener for us all, if only to confirm just how unnecessarily big our portions were before – and I’m not even talking about super-sizing anything!
So fast forward to today and things are worse with meal portions than ever before. The restaurants continue to pile the food on in order to give appearance of value for money – and there are king size and large packages of foods at the supermarket – full of empty calories and processed foods.
If you know portion control is something you struggle with daily and you’re ready to do something about it then the Virtual Gastric Band could be your answer. Portion control is specifically targeted by the VGB procedure. The virtual operation simulates the fitting of a gastric band around your stomach that effectively shrinks the size of your stomach and what it can hold until you feel full, to the size of a golf ball.
You’ll find eating smaller portions satisfying and not feeling deprived of food because you’ll only eat what you need.
The Virtual Gastric Band procedure I use was developed by Sheila Granger – a U.K. Hypnotherapist – and a major champion of this form of weight loss. Lap Band Hypnosis is becoming preferred to weight loss surgery as its safe – no operation – less expensive by thousands of dollars – and no recovery time.
While the Virtual Gastric Band procedure may not be the answer to everybody’s weight challenges if portion control is the key to your weight loss goals then you owe it to yourself to take a long hard look at Lap Band Hypnosis and how it can help you achieve your right size.
If you’re ready to make changes to get to your right size then then check out my weight loss hypnosis service.
Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis